One of the largest nuts companies in Greece

Client: Avakian | Industry: Food & Beverage industry


About the Client

Avakian, one of Greece’s leading nut suppliers, traditionally conducted business within Greece’s borders. In response to the modern era and expanding opportunities, Avakian decided to transition into the international market, aiming to establish itself as a reputable online nut retailer.

The Challenge

Avakian’s primary challenge was to adapt to the evolving business landscape by shifting from traditional in-person sales to a digital eCommerce platform. The key obstacles included:


Global Expansion

The company’s mission to penetrate international markets like the UK required a robust eCommerce solution to cater to a diverse customer base.


Digital Transformation

Avakian had no prior online presence or sales platform. The challenge was to create a comprehensive eCommerce website that could showcase their expertise in nuts and emphasize product quality.


Retail and Wholesale Segmentation

The company needed a dual-portal system with a public retail page and a password-protected wholesale page for registered companies. This segmentation would allow them to serve both customer types effectively.


Automated Marketing

Avakian wished to enhance customer engagement by sending personalized emails with coupons to individuals celebrating their name days as a thoughtful gesture.

Project Goals & Solution

Establish a feature-rich eCommerce platform for international sales.

Create a responsive WordPress and WooCommerce website to highlight Avakian’s nut expertise and product quality.

Implement separate public and password-protected wholesale pages to cater to different customer segments.

Develop an automated marketing system to send personalized coupons on name days.



Global eCommerce Platform

We designed and developed a comprehensive eCommerce website using WordPress and WooCommerce, enabling Avakian to expand their business globally and effectively manage online sales.


Responsive Design

The website’s responsive design ensured seamless user experiences across various devices, making it convenient for customers to browse and shop.


Dual-Portal System

We created a dual-portal system with a public retail page that showcased products and a hidden, password-protected wholesale page for registered B2B clients, simplifying the buying process for both segments.


Automated Marketing

A customized system was implemented to automatically send personalized emails with exclusive coupons to users on their name days, enhancing customer engagement and loyalty.

By crafting a feature-rich eCommerce platform, we enabled Avakian's expansion beyond Greece and facilitated their seamless transition into the digital landscape. The result? A segmented shopping experience, global reach, and enhanced customer engagement through automated marketing.

TheDevAlley Team


International Reach

The eCommerce platform successfully enabled Avakian to establish a presence in international markets, including the UK, expanding their customer base beyond Greece.


Digital Transformation

Avakian transitioned into the digital era with a visually appealing and user-friendly website that showcased their nut expertise, product quality, and commitment to customer satisfaction.


Segmented Shopping Experience

The dual-portal system provided tailored shopping experiences, meeting the needs of both retail customers and wholesale clients, fostering customer loyalty and satisfaction.


Automated Engagement

The automated marketing system contributed to increased customer engagement and loyalty by sending personalized coupons on name days, resulting in improved brand recognition and repeat business.

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