Professional MBA essay writing services and tutoring

Client: MBA Winner | Industry: Education - MBA Support


About the Client

MBA Winner is a famous provider of personalized guidance and support for MBA students. Recognizing the challenges MBA students face in their academic journey, particularly in academic writing and the practical application of theories, MBA Winner is committed to helping students excel and achieve their best possible grades. Their comprehensive guidance aims to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical success.

The Challenge

MBA Winner’s commitment to empowering students required a modernized and accessible online platform. Key challenges included:

Website Modernization

The existing website needed a modern touch to cater to the needs of tech-savvy students and offer a seamless browsing experience on mobile devices.


SEO Enhancement

To reach a broader audience, MBA Winner sought better visibility on search engines. Improving their website’s search engine optimization (SEO) was vital for higher Google search rankings.


Scientific Article Upload

The platform required functionality to allow users to upload and access scientific articles, catering to the academic nature of the service.


Audience Expansion

MBA Winner aimed to attract a wider audience and new clients. The challenge was to devise strategies that would increase reach and engagement.

Project Goals & Solution

Modernize the website for mobile-friendliness and accessibility.

Enhance SEO to improve Google search rankings.

Implement scientific article upload functionality.

Develop lead generation strategies to reach a wider audience and convert them into clients.


Responsive Website Development

We utilized WordPress to build a fully responsive website, ensuring an optimal browsing experience on all devices while maintaining fast loading times.


SEO Optimization

The website was meticulously optimized for SEO, enabling MBA Winner to rank higher in Google search results and attract more organic traffic.


Scientific Article Upload

Leveraging WordPress’s inherent capabilities, we facilitated the creation of categorized posts for uploading and accessing scientific articles, supporting MBA students’ academic needs.


Lead Generation and CRM Integration

To expand the audience, we designed compelling landing pages offering exclusive content. Users could provide their emails to access this content, and these emails were integrated into a CRM system for future lead nurturing and conversion.

With our fully responsive website solution, MBA Winner increased the revenue by 60% and their services became known to a bigger audience.


CEO at The DevAlley


Enhanced User Experience

The modernized, mobile-friendly website offered a seamless browsing experience, catering to the preferences of MBA students who frequently use mobile devices.


Improved Visibility

The SEO enhancements significantly improved MBA Winner’s search engine rankings, resulting in increased organic traffic and visibility among a wider audience.


Academic Resource Hub

The implemented scientific article upload functionality transformed the website into a valuable resource hub for MBA students seeking academic materials.


Wider Reach and Lead Generation

The introduction of lead magnets and CRM integration allowed MBA Winner to effectively capture emails, nurture leads, and convert them into valuable clients, expanding their client base.

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